a person is casting a vote into a box

Notice of General Election 4th July 2024

Please find attached Notices for the upcoming Election.

Change of Location of Parish Council Meeting – 2nd May 2024

******  Please note that the Parish Council Meeting for this evening will be taking place in the Pavilion due to Downing Court being used as a Polling Station ******

Notice of Vacancy November 2023 – Are you our missing piece?

Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council has two vacancies for Parish Councillors which they wish to fill by co-option.    Anyone who may be interested in this rewarding role, should contact the clerk in the first instance, clerk@swaffhambulbeckpc.org.uk  for more information.

Make a positive change – become a Parish Councillor

Help shape your village and make a positive change by becoming a Parish Councillor


Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor

This is a great opportunity to make a difference.

The role of the Parish Council includes:

Acting as a consultee on any new developments in the village

Managing recreation facilities, the cemetery, Gutter Bridge Wood, the Pavilion and parish owned land

Liaising with the Swaffham Bulbeck Community Land Trust

Determining how to address a range of different matters

If you think you could make a community contribution, or would like to know more about the role, please contact any Councillor (details in the front of the Beacon), the Chairman or the Clerk. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 No experience necessary, please get in touch and find out more.

Clerk to Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council: clerk@swaffhambulbeckpc.org.uk or 07369248998

Chair of Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council: chairman@swaffhambulbeckpc.org.uk  or 813635

Parish Councillor Vacancy – May 2023


Help shape your village


Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor

This is a great opportunity to make a difference.

The role of the Parish Council includes:

Acting as a consultee on any new developments in the village

Managing recreation facilities, the cemetery, Gutter Bridge Wood, the Pavilion and parish owned land

Liaising with the Swaffham Bulbeck Community Land Trust

Determining how to address a range of different matters

If you think you could make a community contribution, or would like to know more about the role, please contact any Councillor (details in the front of the Beacon), the Chairman or the Clerk. We would be delighted to hear from you!

Get in touch and find out more.

Clerk to Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council: clerk@swaffhambulbeckpc.org.uk or 07369248998

Chair of Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council: chairman@swaffhambulbeckpc.org.uk  or 813635

bins being collected

Festive Bin Collections 2022

Thursday – 29th December 2022
Black BagGreen or Brown Bin
Black Bag             Green Bin

Thursday 5th January 2023
Black BagBlue Bin
Black Bag             Blue Bin

Wednesday 11th January 2023 
Black BagGreen or Brown Bin
Black Bag            Green Bin

Tuesday 17th January 2023 
Black BagBlue BinBlack Bag             Blue Bin

Tuesday 24th January 2023
Black BagGreen or Brown Bin
Black Bag              Green Bin

Tuesday 31st January 2023 < Black BagBlue Bin
Black Bag           Blue Bin


Swaffham Bulbeck Community Land Trust – Community Engagement

In partnership with local developers Laragh Homes, Swaffham Bulbeck Community Land Trust is drawing up proposals for 45 new homes on the Cemetery/Pony Field site off Heath Road and Quarry Lane in Swaffham Bulbeck.

18 of the homes will be genuinely affordable homes for people living and/or working in Swaffham Bulbeck, or who have family connections to the village. The homes will be available to buy or rent at a mix of tenures, and will be owned by the CLT in perpetuity. The 23 market homes will be sold to fund the building of the community-owned affordable homes. There will also be four self-build plots.

The CLT held a community consultation drop-in event on Monday 14th November – thank you to everyone who came along.

The information that was on display at the event can be seen here:

Community Land Trust Engagement Slides

You can still send the CLT your feedback – by emailing jess@engagementmatters.co.uk (who is facilitating the consultation for the CLT). Please send in your feedback by 2nd December 2022.

Why here?

The proposal offers an opportunity to provide affordable homes for people living locally, helping to address housing supply and affordability issues in the parish, enabling local people to put down roots. As of February 2022, 23 local families had registered with the CLT as needing affordable housing. The site was generously put forward by the landowners in 2017 – its ideal position within the context of the village has identified it for development in the Neighbourhood Plan.


An outline planning application was submitted by the landowners to East Cambridgeshire District Council in 2019 for up to 45 new homes, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure. This application has not yet been determined and the CLT and Laragh Homes are now on board to move the development forward as a community-led project. The CLT is inviting your input to help shape the proposals, to make sure it is a truly community-led development.

The CLT has been awarded a grant from the Community Housing Fund, provided by Community Led Housing, to support this work. The Community Housing Fund Revenue Programme 2021/22 is funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).

The project team

The plans are being drawn up by the CLT, with support from local developer, Laragh Homes. The CLT is also working with Engagement Matters, a company that specialises in community

engagement. They will help to plan and manage the consultation process to make sure it is genuine and meaningful, and that everyone can get involved. PiP Architects will be designing the new homes and would like to hear your ideas, such as the types of materials and the style of homes you think would work best on the site, to help inform the design development at the next stage.


  • Now – community engagement on the community-led outline planning application
  • End 2022 – submit updated outline planning application documents to ECDC
  • Mid 2023 – draw up detailed designs for the site and the homes, more community engagement
  • End 2023/early 2024 – submit a detailed ‘reserved matters’ planning application to ECDC
  • 2024 – development could start, subject to the planning process

For more information visit the CLT website: www.swaffhambulbeckclt.org.uk


New Bus Timetables

Please find the link below for the new Stephenson’s bus service that came into effect 31.10.22.   Although Swaffham Bulbeck is not listed, we have been assured that the stops will be serviced.   Any problems with the service please contact the Clerk at clerk@swaffhamhambulbeckpc.org.uk.

Bus Route_11_Oct_22

Bus Route 11

It has been confirmed with Paul Nelson, Public Transport Manager at the Combined Authority that Stephensons of Essex will be undertaking the bus route 11 as from 31st October 2022.   They have confirmed that the bus service will follow the same route as the current provider with the exception of not calling at Bottisham, which will be serviced by route 12.  All existing stops will be serviced, despite there being errors on the timetables shown earlier where Swaffham Bulbeck was excluded.  More details will be provided when they become available.   In the meantime for further information please contact the Clerk on clerk@swaffhambulbeckpc.org.uk.

Swaffham Bulbeck Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2037

Parish Referendum

Our Neighbourhood Plan has now successfully passed an independent examination and has been approved to go forward to a referendum on 26th January.

The referendum is organised by East Cambridgeshire District Council and will be similar to arrangements used in local elections. Those residents entitled to vote will be asked to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following question:

Do you want East Cambridgeshire District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

If more than 50% vote ‘Yes’ the District Council will be legally required to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan as part of its planning framework. This means the planning policies of the Neighbourhood Plan will have to be taken into account as part of future planning applications.

For further information and to view the Neighbourhood Plan, please go to www.eastcambs.gov.uk/local-development-framework/swaffham-bulbeck-neighbourhood-plan

Paper copies are available to borrow on request from the Clerk to the Parish Council clerk@swaffhambulbeckpc.org.uk

The Referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan is also available on this website by using the link here: Swaffham Bulbeck Neighbourhood Plan. 


Chairman of Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council