Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 19th November 2013


Held in the School on Tuesday, 19th November 2013, starting at 7.00pm

Present: Margaret Chadwick-Chairman (MC), Gordon Reid (GR) Sharyn Robinson (SR), Sue Romero (SRo) Mary Smith (MS).

Members of the Public: Rod Smith, Christopher Collison, Alan Newberry & Robin Sewell.

In attendance:
Karen King – Clerk

3378: Apologies for Absence:
Brian Ambrose
Bert Collins
Lynn Reed (away)
Ian Woodroffe (away)

3379: Members’ Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda + Requests for Dispensation:
MC noted dispensation for item 8 of the agenda referring to min.ref.383/3144.

3380: Gutter Bridge Wood – Revised Heads of Terms for National Trust Trust.
GR raised queries about rate of interest for late rent, management costs and work suggesting this was difficult to predict and although in support of the project was concerned about leaving a legacy of cost for future Parish Councils and residents. SR was concerned about ongoing tree work. MC referred to replies received from the National Trust.

Meeting adjourned at 7.05pm.

Robin Sewell reminded the meeting of the 5 year opt-out option in the agreement and that the National Trust had demonstrated that they very much wanted to work in partnership with the Parish.
Discussion on the trees close to the road. SRo confirmed that the NT had gone to great lengths to trim trees to high level risk and had been advised that it would be 5-6 years before more work needed. RS confirmed that the NT would inspect every year on high level risk and every three years on low level risk.
Christopher Collinson spoke of the benefits to the community and considered the wood a great asset for the village.

Meeting reconvened at 7.15pm.

Sue Romero proposed that the Parish Council agree and sign the final Heads of Terms as circulated on the 6/11/13. Seconded: Mary Smith. Majority in agreement, 1 absention. Motion carried. SRo to arrange for document to be signed.

Members of the public left the meeting.

3381: Donation Request from Youth Club:
MC referred to letter received from Brian Wegg, Youth Club Treasurer. This informed members that due to the fall in numbers it had been agreed to suspend the Youth Club and close the accounts. As a consequence, the requested donation towards running costs was no longer needed but the YC had spent £1,254.29 on improvements to the Pavilion with £1,000 funded by a grant and the Parish Council was asked to donate the balance of £254.29 so that the YC accounts could be closed. Margaret Chadwick proposed the donation of £254.29 for payment at the December meeting. All agreed.

3382: Donation to Royal British Legion – remembrance wreath:
A donation of £25 was agreed by all.

3383: Consideration of Planning Application for Hare Park Stud, Hare Park, Six Mile Bottom – Ref: 13/00844/FUL:
Following consideration there were no objections or comments.

3384: Consideration of Quotations received for Grass Cutting Services:
3 quotes were received from Anglia Landscapes, K H Services and Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance. Following consideration, Margaret Chadwick proposed the next 3-year contract be awarded to Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance. All agreed.

3385: Consideration of Draft Budget & Precept for 2014/15 for later approval:
Budgetary items discussed:
• Cost of replacement trees for Denny/Recreation Ground – Turkey Oak & Fernleaf Beech. MC had some estimates. SR to make additional enquiries with Simpsons. Action: SR
• Cost of replacement wall at the back of the cemetery. MS to arrange for structural inspection to be carried out. Action: MS
• Reinstatement of wire fence top corner of cemetery footpath. The work was priced by Justin Wilmott.
Action: Clerk to confirm.
• Cost of kissing gate & fingerposts. MC to ask LR to obtain estimates. Action: MC/LR
• S106 monies – required contribution.
• Pavilion – discussion on possible improvements.
Following review of the budget schedule, it was agreed to submit to ECDC a draft Precept figure of £16,000. Agreed by all. Full detail held with minutes.

3386: Clerk’s Reports:
No additional reports.

3387: Parish Councillors’ Reports:
Vacancy for Clerk: MC confirmed 2 applications received. Interviews to be carried out.

3388:- Dates of Next Meetings:-
3rd December
7th January 2014
4th February
4th March
1st April
6th May
20th May – Annual Parish Meeting