Minutes 2nd July 2013


Held in the School on Tuesday, 2nd July 2013 starting at 7.00pm.

Present: Margaret Chadwick Chairman (MC), Brian Ambrose (BA), Bert Collins (BC), Sue Romero (SRo), Mary Smith (MS) & Ian Woodroffe(IW).

In Attendance:
Karen King – Secretary to the Charity.
Liz & Peter Raby – Youth Club Committee.

692. Apologies for Absence:
Lynn Reed – unwell
Gordon Reid – work commitments
Sharyn Robinson – away

693. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of Meeting No 101, 2nd April 2013 – minutes taken by LR in the absence of the Secretary. Minutes approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Bert Collins.

694. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting No 102, 7th May 2013:
Minutes approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Ian Woodroffe. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.

695. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting No 103, 4th June 2013:
Minutes approved and signed as a correct record. Proposed: Mary Smith. Seconded: Bert Collins.

696. Youth Club – consideration of quote received for installation of additional heating + discussion on possibility of having a cooker in the Pavilion for use by the Youth Club and community:
(Item brought forward and meeting adjourned for report from Youth Club).
Liz Raby gave a summary of the best quote received for additional heating. There followed discussion on monitoring the costs of running extra heating and how this would be charged. In addition the Youth Club requested to purchase a new cooker for the Pavilion. It was noted that the addition of extra heating and a cooker would be for the benefit of the whole community. All of this was possible due to the Youth Club’s successful bid for the Young Persons Dragons Den Grant of £1,000. Members of the Youth Club were again congratulated on this achievement. (The meeting was reconvened).
The Trustees agreed that this work could go ahead and asked to be kept informed of start dates, etc. It was requested that the heaters had timer switches.
The Youth Club’s request to add a small cooker to the Pavilion was also agreed.
Proposed: Sue Romero. Seconded: Mary Smith.

697. Burwell Tigers Football Club – Hire Charges for the use of Pavilion and Football Pitch:
BA suggested that there be more uniform charges for the use of the Pavilion. Charges agreed – £25/half day.
£50 returnable deposit as appropriate.
With reference to hire of the Pavilion by BTFC this was agreed:-
• £360/12 games
• £30/game for additional matches
• Copy of insurances to be provided
• BTFC to be responsible for own marking out and completion of checklist following each use.
Proposed: Brian Ambrose. Seconded: Bert Collins.

698. Finance Matters:
Anglian Water – water charges £12.16
Above payment agreed. Proposed: Sue Romero. Seconded: Brian Ambrose.

699: Reports:
BA reported that Perspex had been fitted to the velux windows. Meeting thanked BA & BC for carrying out this work.
Secretary told the meeting that a request to use the Pavilion for the annual ‘Litter Picking’ day had been received and confirmed the date (5/10/13) and no charges.

700: Any Other Business:
It was suggested that a more local contractor is used for future PAT testing.
Meeting closed at 7.40pm

701. Dates of Meetings:
1st October
7th January 2014
1st April
1st July
7th October